ToastTub's kick-ass website

Hi, I'm ToastTub and this is my website! I decided to make one because I was bored and just felt like making one ig.

I will not be looking to see how this site looks on mobile or on any other monitor that isn't mine so it'll probably look bad on your device :P

I will mostly be posting my art here, mostly sketches and stuff for archival purposes. Any art that isn't mine will be credited and linked back to the source (I will also make sure to ask for permission before putting it on my site too!)

I'll also dump anything I feel like dumping onto here too, mostly stuff involving my interests so yea.

Here's a list of some of the things I like, just to get an idea of what I may or may not post here!


This website is under construction rn, might take a while since I'm learning html too.

For now, take this cat!

I've also got a Treeko here to keep my cat company and look after my website too!

Name: Twig
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage


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Ah but before you go you can watch this if you want to.